Market Research: do autism moms really need AAC lesson plans?

What if you can have a free lesson plan in the next 15 minutes — will you start teaching letterboard communication to your autistic child? (try this — submit your email request below in the form)

Current Position: all students are deemed ‘preverbal’ until proven otherwise. AAC is now being linked to vocalization outcomes in my private practice. AAC after 45 sessions may lead to seamless transition into piano lessons. Piano lesson students who have become adults are now in college, studying social justice, and living/typing independently, with supports. 

Current Exploratories: 

Does nobody want AAC to be taught by an autistic AT/AAC user? I am the only scientist in this field who guarantees outcomes of AAC lessons, because my guarantee is backed by scientific evidence. More researchers have to be interested before I beg for collaboration.

Question about marketing. 

If you can understand the idea and try it before you buy it, how much would the value be for you? These plans are designed for parents to teach at home from the kitchen table without the hassle of worrying about a homeschool curriculum. 

The Promise

Our student data are statistically significant to predict that the autistic nonspeaking student can first access communication over a Monday/Wednesday 30-minute AAC lessons schedule (total 45 sessions), then transition into piano lessons in the classical tradition for 18 months of 30-minute lessons on Wednesdays, and then progress to QWERTY keyboard typing using our Hurdy Gurdy Typing Manual for AAC users, to experience full communication motor independence for adulthood despite dyspraxia. This methodology is in service of the autistic adults who need support across the lifespan, but need support to ask for help, and can benefit from an early introduction before puberty. 

Use of this 45-lesson curriculum has been shown to improve dyspraxic students’ hand-eye coordination. These students’ steady progress invites them into autistic culture to overcome years of exclusion

By choosing when to schedule these sessions, learners are able to commit to a 30-minute engagement in the privacy of their own space. Stimming is encouraged, adaptations are made in realtime, and peer support is provided via zoom offers the learner and caregiver (1) partnership (2) constructive feedback and interpretation. Experiencing cognitive enrichment with exposure to literacy opportunities, generates a peer support outcome toward a circle of support for adulthood.

*teachers, please note all further spelling or vocalizations in direct quotes as sampled below. This data can help develop curricula, as I have!

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